

山玫瑰莊園 蒙鐵普奇亞諾 諾比耶 紅酒
TREROSE Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano

售價:$ 1260/瓶

義大利-安潔莉集團 山玫瑰莊園-阿布魯佐產區D.O.C.G
-蒙鐵普奇亞諾 諾比耶 紅酒

TREROSE Vino Nobile Di  Montepulciano,
Abruzzo, D.O.C.G,, Italy

產區/Region:Abruzzo, D.O.C.G,, Italy

品種/Grapes:100% Sangiovese

酒質/Tasting Notes:寶石紅色澤。豐富而複雜,李子和藍莓的香味,礦物質和煙草的味道。酒體充分優雅,高平衡,口感十足。
Ruby red in color. Rich and complex, with aromas of plum and blueberry, hints of minerals and tobacco. Full and elegant body, high balance and good finish.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol:14%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature:16-22°C

建議搭配/ Food matches: 搭配烤肉跟起士最合宜。Excellent with roast and grilled meat, cheese.



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    TREROSE -山玫瑰莊園

    Tenuta Trerose is located in an ancient villa of the 16th Century, at the top of a hill surrounded by vineyards, in the heart of the ideal area for the production of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. This town lies south west of Cortona not far from the Umbrian border. As a classification of wine it was one of Italy's first four DOCG wines in 1980. Vino Nobile takes its curious name from history when various authors dating from the 1700's to more modern times referred to it as a noble wine and/or a "wine of kings".


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