

-崗夏酒莊 莫斯卡托達斯提微甜微氣泡白酒
GANCIA Moscato D’Asti

原價:$ 735/瓶



義大利-崗夏酒莊-皮埃蒙特 阿斯提產區D.O.C.G.
GANCIA Moscato D’Asti,
Asti D.O.C.G., Piedmont, Italy

產區/Region: Asti, Cuneo and Alessandria 

品種/Grapes: 100% Moscato Bianco D.O.C.G,. of Canelli 


酒質/Tasting Notes: 顏色清淡,淺黄色色澤,香氣濃郁、温暖;散發出麝香葡萄特有的清新香氣,還有玫瑰、蜂蜜、香蕉、白玫瑰、蘋果、糖果的香氣,以及草本植物的自然香氣;氣泡细膩豐富、持續性好;口味明顯稍甜,但清爽,入口柔和, 清爽雅致,口感協調,回味乾淨清澈,餘韻長而清爽。

Straw to pale golden yellow, delicately floral and fruity with hints of mountain honey, sage and musk. Fresh, pleasant and delicately sweet and aromatic, extremely fine and persistent. 

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 5.5%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合各種慶祝場合,或最後一道肉類料理結束後搭配點心。  Perfect for aperitifs, all types of celebrations and for the dessert courses at end of a meal. Serve well chilled.

得獎紀錄/Score:Wine Spectator:85 pts




酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    崗夏酒莊  GANCIA 


    Gancia was founded in 1850 by Carlo Gancia who created the very first Italian sparkling wine and paved the way to the birth of the Italian sparkling wine industry. The company is still 100% owned by the Gancia family, now in the fifth generation, which fully controls the company and is deeply involved in all its business aspects from the production to the distribution and marketing of a full range of sparkling wines and aperitifs.


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