訂退房需知&溫馨提示 Room Rates & Regulations

民宿 溫馨提示 Regulatio1

民宿 溫馨提示 Regulations

龍門客棧民宿 溫馨提示Longman Villa Regulations
1.      進房時間: 下午03:00以後;退房時間:上午11:00以前。WiFI:longman,密碼: 069922101。※緊急連絡電話:06-9922101;LINE ID:069922101. Check-in time: after 3:00 pm; Check-out time: before 11:00 am. ※Emergency phone: 06-9922101; LINE ID:069922101.
2.      本民宿全面禁煙,全棟室內外與陽台均禁煙,吸煙者請至戶外草坪區。Inside the whole building is SMOKING PROHIBITED.
3.      嚴禁攜帶寵物入內,請勿大聲喧嘩等以免影響其他旅客。晚上十點後請降低音量。No pets allowed;Please keep voice down especially after 10:00 pm.
4.      房間內嚴禁同時使用兩隻吹風機以免造成跳電及過載之危險。Not using TWO hair dryers at the same time. (which will cause electric overload)
5.      個人貴重物品請隨身攜帶並妥善保管,如有遺失恕不負責。
Please keep all valuable personal belongings with you at all time.
6.      一樓二樓為共同使用空間,使用後請保持清潔,書報雜誌等物品閱畢後請歸回原處。The 1st and 2nd floors public space is open to all the guests, please put aside all the things back to the proper place after used.
7.      為節能減碳外出時,請務必將房內冷氣及所有電燈關閉,謝謝合作。lease switch off the lights and air conditioner to save the energy.
8.      本民宿不主動提供一次性的盥洗用具,敬請自備。若有需要請至三樓飲水機旁自行取用,每一份十元請自行投入投幣筒內。續住期間亦不提供更換床單及清潔等服務。No providing personal hygiene products. You may get spared items at 3rd floor (beside drinking fountain) and pay by putting NTD 10 for each item inside the piggy bank. Room cleaning, used linens changing only if required.
9.      房間內無提供瓶裝水,若有需求,可至三樓的飲水機取用。廚餘性質垃圾請自行丟棄至戶外垃圾桶內以免蒼蠅螞蟻侵入。No bottled water provided, please use the drinking fountain at 3rd floor. Please take trash out and put it inside the trash can outside the 1st floor.
10.   民宿不提供早餐,但為方便住客享用早餐可自行預訂:東方美早餐店06-9920229。We do not provide breakfast, but you may call breakfast shop: 06-9920229 if needed.
11.   一樓以及三樓公共空間處,有免費的茶包以及咖啡包,請自行取用。用畢後請幫忙清洗並歸回原位。We provide free tea and coffee bags at 1st and 3rd floors. Please help cleaning the cup and put it back after using it.
12.   龍門客棧民宿Google Map五星評價募集中。即日起主動給予五星評價,並留下評論者,即贈送神秘小禮物一份。Please rate Longman Villa as 5 stars and leave remarks on Google Map, then you will get a small gift from us.


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