
渱智國際 = 專業與誠信的代名詞!!!

對每個經營者而言, 開創一家企業前, 必定經過一番內心的掙扎, 最後, 終於拗不過自己心靈深處滿腔的服務熱誠與理想, 排除萬難挺身而出創立新企業, 就因這樣, 我們的母企業: 泓智電機於民國七十三年誕生了~ ~ ~

當時, 經營者憑藉著在電機業已十多年的專業經驗, 從甲級電器承裝. 高低壓配電盤.分電箱.交直流電力設備等做起, 慢慢一點一滴將專業與誠信的口碑在電機界深深的紮根建立; 基於"不斷求新.求進步"的理念下, 更自海外引進各類高科技高低壓配電器材應用於國內; 接著為服務更廣大的客戶群, 更涉獵了配電工程.發電機工程.廢氣回收發電工程.行動電話機房電力工程.住宅大樓電力工程. 空調工程.水管工程.UPS安裝工程.發電機安裝等專業領域。

十六年來, 時間的沙河堆砌出我們專業與經驗的堡壘, 我們在電力市場不懈的努力, 一貫秉持著"真誠服務"的精神與態度來面對客戶所交託的每一件Case, 均得到各界客戶一致的肯定與好評。

在六千多個日子裡, 一路從配電.貿易.工程等領域走來, 無論環境的瞬息萬變及物換星移, 不變的仍是我們的服務熱誠, 在泓智"不斷求新.求進步"及落實多角化經營的理念下, 我們再創立了-渱智國際.

經營企業的酸甜苦辣及國際經濟的起起落落, 我們都經歷過, 也感觸良多, 但我們深切體會到, 要活在當下, 唯有"健康"才是生命中最重要的指標, 無論景氣好壞, 沒有健康的身體, 縱使有再多的金銀珠寶.榮華富貴, 一切都是枉然, 但想擁有健康的身體並非一朝一夕, 是要靠平日細心的經營, 如正常的作息, 均衡的飲食, 充足的睡眠等等, 但現代人忙碌緊湊的生活步調, 常帶給人們莫名的壓力, 若不知適時調適與放鬆, 將為自己的健康帶來隱憂, 有鑑於此, 渱智特別為您引進各種新穎的頂級SPA舒壓養生衛浴, 當您在外打拼了一天, 像個洩了氣的皮球, 拖著疲累的步履返家, 沐浴潔頂級SPA舒壓養生衛浴伴隨著妙曼輕柔的音樂, 為您洗去一切塵慮與疲憊, 可促進全身血液循環及新陳代謝, 活化細胞, 紓解緊張, 安定精神, 讓您夜夜有好眠; 搭配當下各式SPA舒壓商品, 不論是穴道水療.水柱SPA.超音波活氧按摩浴.保健藥草浴.香氛精油浴.浪漫花瓣浴.皇室牛奶浴或私人蒸氣三溫暖, 抗老養生 + 美膚塑身, 一次OK! 讓您在家也可悠悠哉哉的享受SPA水療的洗禮, 重新再出發!

 About us

With over 15-year electrical experience and the mind of enthusiastic service, our CEO established HONEX INT'L CO., LTD. in 1984.

From Switchgear, Distribution Board to AC/ DC Power Equipment, we have built our firm in faithful & professional basis steadily, while earning reliable and great reputation in electrical power region. In view of promoting products' quality and offering best service to all of our clients, we have imported various advanced high and low voltage electrical material & products since 1986, for example: AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER, AUTO TRANSFER SWITCH, MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER, MINI CIRCUIT BREAKER, DIESEL GENERATOR SET, BUSDUCT, PROTECTION RELAY, CONTACTOR AND RELATED ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS into the Taiwanese markets. In order to serve more clients, we started to undertake elec

trical engineering projects of generators, air conditionings, water pipes, UPS, waste fume recycle, switchgear for Government, telecommunication stations, buildings, factories, etc...

All of us believe "Profession and experience were cumulated by time" during our 16 years of business in the industry. With our serious service attitude and professional experience, we have earned great reputation amongst our clients.

To keep on expand our business market area, we launched into a different business. In 2001, we have established HONEX INT'L CO., LTD.

From the past 6,000 days, we realized that "HEALTH IS KING!" Without good health, it is of no value to possess wealth, business title, etc... Therefore, we sincerely recommend BodyClean health series of Relaxation Bathroom Equipment and Relaxation products to you.

We appreciate every client for their long- term supports. Meanwhile, we expect to make continuous progress so as to offer our clients wide range of choices to our future services in this time of globe e.

Let's move forward to the new e- era!!!