進出口貿易 (Trade Service)

願以泓智十幾年的進出口貿易經驗﹐ 竭誠為您提供服務!

We sincere serve for you with our 14- year import & export trading experience.

遙控開關裝置(Remote Switching Unit)

(Remote Switching Unit)

(Remote Switching Unit) 

SCHRACK遙控開關裝置 (Remote Switching Unit)

特點: 可與PLC. 電腦等結合, 輕輕鬆鬆以電話來遙控小型斷路器, 馬達保護開關, 漏電開關等裝置, 控制電壓AC/ DC共用; 同時, 若需保護短路, 亦可加裝M.C.B.

Shape- compatible, add- on switching unit for automatic resetting and remote switching of M.C.B., Residual Current Devices and Motor Starters, Remote electrical and mechanical ON/ OFF switching, Mechanical locking, Module can be expanded for additional function, Auto stop, Remote control by telephone etc.

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