高低壓配電產品 (High & Low Voltage Electric Products)

馬達保護開關(Motor Starter)

(Motor Starter)

(Motor Starter)  

SCHRACK馬達保護開關 (Motor Starter)

極數(Number of poles): 2P, 3P.

額定電流(Rated current): 0.1~40A.

特點: 具保護馬達特性, 過載可調, 本身已附熱動及電磁跳脫功能, 故與接觸器結合時, 無需遵循傳統使用方式加裝Thermal Relay, 即可達到相同功能; 若採用此種 “顛覆傳統”方案, 即可為您提高經濟效益及節省空間, 使產品無需更換接點, 延長使用壽命, 並具無火花之安全性; 同時此產品更具有擴充性, 若設備需完全自動控制時, 則可加裝遙控開關裝置, 即可以電話作遠端遙控及自動操作, 酷吧?

Motor Starter + Contactor = Perfect partners? Yes, it's not necessary to use Thermal Relay any more caused by strong function of Motor Starter, i.e. Thermal and magnetic release inside. This method would save more money and space to you, meanwhile, it could remote control and automatic operate via Telephone by our option Remote Switching Unit.

Phase failure protection according to IEC 947-4-1.


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