關於龍門客棧 About Us

澎湖龍門客棧 LONGMAN VILLA,位於美麗的龍門漁港旁,穿過古厝小巷,便可登上著名的林投長堤,來到金色沙灘。坐在堤上長椅,映入眼簾的是朵朵浪花、美麗的沙灘與碧海藍天。興之所至,可以踏浪玩水,也可以漫步於夕陽餘暉的沙灘上,享受夏日悠閒時光。LONGMAN VILLA located on the Longman Port, not far from the beautiful LINTOU Beach. You may wander to the nearby port, beaches, or just walking freely on the golden sand beach. In the summer time, you can join a variety of exciting water activities, enjoy the cool, crystal sea water or sit on the tier watching the beautiful sunset.
在海景房裡,敞開落地窗,可以看到古厝、長堤、沙灘與大海相映成趣,海灘遊人與朵朵浪花點綴其中。閉上眼,浪濤聲輕輕傳來,伴著陣陣海風吹拂,讓人置身於萬種南島風情之中。In the room, you may on private balcony to appreciate the attractive ocean view, or enjoy the quiet nightfall.
想品嘗海鮮? 客棧前百餘公尺即是漁港,每當華燈初上,漁家賦歸之時,多有機會親臨船舷挑選漁獲,客棧旁之店家亦可代為料理,於是把酒臨風…,在海天一色的薄暮中靜賞日夜之交替。Want to try some fresh seafood? The port is right in front of our villa, you have pretty much good chance to buy some seafood from the returning fishing boat. With beer at hand, seafood on the table….
夜裡,海上漁燈點點,抬頭看見的是滿天的星斗。伴著浪潮聲,輕輕帶您進入夢鄉。In the nighttime, you may enjoying the starry night, on sit on the yard to see the night through.